Considering that we are experts in the field of bad weather, rain delays, and other things of this nature, we feel that they definitely could've gotten in at least 5 innings to make a complete game. Then this blog would not have been about the cowards in green and navy blue and more about how excellent the sausage sandwiches are and naturally, reuniting with our beloved Brad Ziegler and his mother. If Journey in all their mullet glory, Heart, and Cheap Trick (the lead singer, we might add, wore a full leather suit and matching leather cowboy hat) can perform at Jones Beach Theater in hurricane-type weather (complete with wind, heavy rains, lightning, and yellow ponchos), then certainly, a group of grown men can run around a baseball field and throw a ball. Because of this mishap, you will have to wait for our scintillating expose on the new stadium until July 24th. We understand that this is heart wrenching for you to deal with, but please forgive us, we are at the mercy of those fools who run the baseball schedules. The bright side is that you have our Chicago trip coming up and that should hold you over until then.
According to our many viewers, you seem divided about your feelings on the Barry Zito situation.
Some of you do not care which uniform he looks better in because he's been sucking hard core. Others wish that he would come to New York and play for the Yankees or Mets. We don't know who you people are, but clearly you have not been paying attention to what's been happening out in the Bay Area. We are confident that if this man had signed with one of the New York teams that the fans would've crucified him by this point. The good news for Giants fans is that Zito finally didn't lose. He went 7 innings, allowing 6 hits, and did not give up a single walk or run. The Giants defeated the Padres 1-0. The sad part of this story is that Zito didn't get a win either. He earned a "no decision." We suppose a no decision is better than being 0-3.
In other news, apparently last week, Bud Selig noticed that Adam Dunn and Ryan Zimmerman wore Washington jerseys on the field that said, "Natinals." The manufacturer, Majestic Athletic has since apologized for the spelling error. At least we're not the only ones who can't spell.
Side note: Lisa is now divorcing the Mets and converting to a Pirates fan. Until the divorced is either finalized or the Mets stop giving her high blood pressure and a bleeding ulcer, she will wear an eye patch and a parrot on her shoulder. If they prove her wrong, Lisa will remove the eye patch, put the parrot up for adoption, and begin to wear a mole that looks eerily similar to Carlos Beltran's.
Until we meet again, Millie Vanille will serenade you with, "Blame it on the rain, yeah, yeah. Whatever you do, don't put the blame on you (this one's for you, Yankees and Athletics)."
hi girls!!love your website! it's soooo funny and you are both beautyfull!!